Sunday, March 23, 2008

Purim - Day 3

After a much needed sleep in on the first 'real' Sunday in a long time, we made our mishloach manot and delivered them around the town. The walk was nice, both because of the 30 degree summer heat that arrived, and because of the many costumed children running to make deliveries of their own and to enjoy their festive meals. We went to our own seudah in the afternoon at the Bergers', with Jon dressed as a lifeguard and Rina as a cat. The sixteen or so people in attendance were all in costume, and the meal was served backwards, beginning with cake and ice cream, then moving to main courses, and closing with appetizers. The whole day was lots of fun, and a very tasty and enjoyable close to a ridiculously long Purim.


Unknown said...

Sandals! Good heavens! We've been having that "other kind" of 30-degree weather hear in the northeastern U.S. I haven't seen anything but socks for a long, long time.

The Parkers said...

I wish I could come up with a witty and sympathetic comment but I just can't. The weather is ridiculously nice, and I don't miss frostbitten extremities or sock-lint one bit.