Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pre-Purim Primer

Because Jerusalem celebrates Purim a day late, like other walled cities, Purim this year should fall out on Saturday. That being disallowed, this year the city will celebrate the holiday over a three-day span. Thursday night, following the fast, will be megillah reading and crazy partying. Friday will begin with megillah reading in the morning, followed by gifts to the poor and crazy partying. Friday night and Saturday the only observance is the insertion of על הניסים into prayers, but the close of Shabbat should bring with it more crazy partying. Sunday's obligations include misloach manot and a party (probably not crazy, though).

Against our better judgement, we tried to replicate the delicious/disgusting sampling of holiday-related baked goods we undertook during Chanuka. For some reason, the eight or so Israeli bakeries' hamantaschen were just scrunched-up flavourless cookies with jam/honey/halva inside. The only worthwhile one thus far was a classmate's homemade version, and that it was eaten during class probably did a lot to boost Jon's enjoyment of it. We miss the soft, pliable variety from North America. If we wanted tough mandelbread with poppy seeds on top we would move to Poland. Note to Israeli bakers - salmonella is an active ingredient in hamentaschen.

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