Saturday, March 22, 2008

Purim - Day 2

Services at Ramban this morning took a decidedly Purim-esque turn when, in the middle of the Rabbi's speech, a congregant stood up and began singing at the top of his voice. This recurred several times, until the Rabbi relented (it became clear that this was all pre-planned) and the shul broke out in dancing. After a mini-se'udah at home we went to lunch, Jon dressed as Moshe Dayan (albeit with a skull and crossbones on his eyepatch, but we here Dayan was pretty rough).

At 4:30 we went to Yedidya, a progressive Orthodox shul, for services followed by an early dinner and a concert by Pizmon, the visiting a cappella group from Columbia. The show was really nice, and of course closed with Nachamu, Jewish a cappella's most-sung song. We also got to see a friend of Rina's who is in the group while he studies to become a cantor at JTS.

After Shabbat we moseyed over to a friend who lives across the street for a Purim party. There was lots of singing, good food, and friendly folk. After sating ourselves there we and some others (Arielle, Tobi, and Dani) walked up to Nachlaot, the neighborhood near the shuk, for a block party. The quiet and old streets were taken over by DJs, hordes of costumed drunkards, and speakers and strobe lights on every corner. The hippy-like calm that tends to pervade the area was transformed into a rave, and it was fantastic fun. Each street had a different type of music, but it was all deafening and danceable. One DJ had even set up in the courtyard of a group of homes, and the dancers had invaded even the interiors of the buildings. We next moved to Ben Yehuda, which was full of shaving-cream and teenagers, so we quickly went to our favorite cheap pizzeria with Arielle and Atara before heading home at 2 a.m. to get some sleep. We hope.

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