Monday, March 10, 2008


At a shiur about married women and head-coverings, Rina heard about a recent and unfortunate fad, which local rabbis are thankfully against. We're not sure if it is better or worse than the parachute pants Israeli women seem to have stolen from M.C. Hammer's costume wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

I've also heard of women wearing shawls to make up for everyone else's lack of tzniut. I think the best part is that they have to put seams in their stockings to show they aren't bare legged, so now people will be looking extra close at the so called erva...great!

The Parkers said...

The article made me scared to wear my dress shoes to shul. But I do like the idea of wearing sock-puppets all the time...

Rachel L said...

I'm kinda freaked out about the shiny shoes reflecting young girls' underwear notion. how did this become known as an issue?