Friday, January 4, 2008

Experiences en route to Eilat

Our day began at 6 a.m., the time we had to wake up for our 6:45 taxi to the airport. Our flight wasn't until 11, but the cab refused to come between 7 and 10 because of the traffic. The fabulous service continued when we received a call from the driver at 6:20, saying he'd be there in five minutes. We disagreed and won. We won again when, at the airport, he nearly refused to take us to the correct gate, insisting that we could just wait and take the free shuttle. Once we were dropped off, he overcharged us and ran away.

At the check-in for your flight, we found out that the control-tower staff had gone on strike, leaving all planes grounded. Planes arriving still managed to land somehow, as the Parker parents showed up from Detroit on time and managed to get their tickets changed to an earlier flight only moments before the strike ended and the plane took off.

The Goldbergs and Parkers reunited in Eilat, where some went to take a nap and others toured the city. Those of us touring got to witness a French wedding on the beach as the sunset, which was beautiful both in terms of the view and the interesting ceremony (a bedekin at the chuppah, lots of songs and clapping, and a clergyman more showman than rabbi). We then reunited again for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

On the way home we stopped off at the Parker-parents' hotel room, which had been upgraded to a suite with a fruit platter, chocolate cake, and truffles (apparently their room wasn't ready when they arrived, two hours before check-in, so they were upgraded). Then we (the Parkbergers) hit up an Israeli disco at our hotel and passed out (not at the disco, but shortly after).

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