Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yom Kehillot

For some reason, now that Jon's group has known each other for four months they have decided to dedicate a day to learning about each others' communities. To that end, each participant prepared a 15 minute presentation and delivered it today, with fun/educational games interspersed. While it was a shame to give up a Sunday, the event actually turned out to be quite fun.

Aside from the many PowerPoint presentations*, there was a game called "Guess that Food!" in which blindfolded participants were fed regional confections (brought by us), whereupon they had to guess both what the food was and from whence it came. Some of the highlights were Napoleon cake (Russia), Corn meal latke-thingies with syrup (Chile), and TimTams (Australia). There was also a round of Jeopardy (Jon's team won, and he is unnecessarily excited about it) and a delicious** lunch in the Faculty Club (shmancy!).

While the purported purpose of the day was to learn more about each others' lands of origin, the day was worthwhile just because we got to spend time together outside of the formal classroom setting. But don't take that endorsement as a cue to steal more Sundays!

*If for some ungodly reason you want to see Jon's fancy PowerPoint dealie, let us know.
**While delicious, the lunch included a mystery dish that we ate with Jon's students at Marvad Haksamim, which an Israeli promptly explained to save some folk from the mystery. Those little grey things that we hoped were mushrooms? Kidneys. Hurray for iron!

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