Monday, December 24, 2007

Visitation Rights

Tonight, Christmas Eve, began Winter break - for Rina's parents. After meeting them at their Moroccan themed apartment, we headed over to 9 Haportzim (our home) for dinner, then to the Old City. Once there we visited the Kotel and then began the Western Wall Tunnel Tour.

Our guide took us through the underground caverns and systems of arches that support the buildings of the Old City, as well as alongside the continuation of the massive stone retaining wall of which the Kotel is a tiny portion. Along the way he explained aesthetics (Herod's framing of the stones and specific placements), architecture, history, and spirituality. The information ranged from Herod's methodologies to the importance of a tiny archway, the closest spot to the former Holy of Holies. We also walked through a defunct aqueduct, and visited the site of one of the money-changing stations made so infamous by the biblical sequel. All things considered, this was a very nice start to our month of parental visitations.

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