Sunday, December 30, 2007

Concert for a Cause

Though dead on our feet following last night's revelry and a day full of classes, we somehow found it within ourselves to attend a concert with Eric and Gloria at the Jerusalem Theater. The show was a mix of styles and genres of music, with the Black Hebrews (an American trio) singing soul and blues, Etti Ankri singing country-style music (if such a term can be applied to Israeli music), and David D'Or pretending to be a soprano cantor. The proceeds from the event are being put toward the support of agunot, so even though only half of the music was actually good, the entire evening was worthwhile.

Random meetings of the day - while I was waiting for the bus on Derech Hevron, Isaac Hollander, a co-worker from Or Chaim, stopped his car in the left-turn lane to chat for a few seconds. For dinner, Rina and I went to Shai Mintz's apartment to have dinner with the Arbesmans, a family from the Buffalo days who are here on vacation.

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