Tuesday, November 13, 2007


For dinner tonight we decided to take advantage of the many different cultures represented in Israel, and went out to an Ethiopian restaurant called, sensibly enough, Ethio-Israel. Please, no jokes about there being such a thing as an Ethiopian restaurant.

Although a little bit challenging to find, the eatery was worth the trip both in terms of taste and culture. The dining area was decorated with tapestries, and straw-and-wood furniture was scattered throughout. The food was, we have been told, authentic Ethiopian cuisine (again, no jokes, please) but with the spices altered so as to not horribly burn our unprepared palettes. The entire meal was made up of a variety of sauces, pastes, and meat stews served atop a huge pancake called "engera", which was the serving platter, utensil, and meal. We tore off pieces of the slightly-sour dough, scooped up the topping(s) of choice, and piloted the mass toward our mouths, trying to keep as much as possible in the bundle and off our clothes. The colourful array that we had selected were all delicious and completely new tastes to us, and the eating experience was well worth the visit. We did, however, leave a little bit hungry (control yourselves).


Rachel L said...

So first of all, Rina looks super skinny in that picture - I hope she ate all of that on her own.
Secondly, also related to food and this post - tomorrow is Levy bris #2 and Held was just thinking about last time, being meat before 9 am ... we were all thinking of you. Miss you guys!

The Parkers said...

Was that "super skinny" comment a joke that we specifically asked you to stay away from, or are we reading too much into your little racist diatribe?

We are also upset about missing the feast...I mean bris. But we will see him soonish! And maybe they will bring some fleishig breakfast back with them, and leave the speech back there!

Rachel L said...

No, I didn't mean it to be racist AT ALL! From that angle Rina just looks thin ... now I am sad ... I always listen to what you write ... I just think you (Rina) looks very small from the angle of the picture, and I meant that I hope she ate everything in front of her without sharing with you (Jon) - joke being that society tells us that skinny people are prettier than fat people. Also could have been funny b/c of Jon's propensity to eat a lot. Okay, that's it. Not writing on this anymore. Too hard to interpret things written.

The Parkers said...

Tee hee