Friday, November 2, 2007

Ein Karem

Today we finally had a Friday free of obligations (work, homework, or cooking) so we decided to get out and see the town. Today's stop - the neighbourhood of Ein Karem.

Best known to most people we've spoken to (Mrs. C. Parker) for its hospital and the hospital's Chagall windows, the area is actually inhabited by people other than tourists and the ailing. The city is home to several churches and monasteries of various sects of Christianity, most of which base their presence on the town's heritage as the birthplace of John the Baptist, as well as a place visited by Mary before Jesus' birth (when she apparently had a get-together with John's mom). All of the edifices are beautiful (and, to judge by our pictures, very blurry) and the architecture of the buildings in the the city is both quaint and engaging. After ditching a tour after 45 minutes (we thought it was free, but found out otherwise) we wandered the streets admiring the surroundings, both natural and man-made. We then went out for lunch to a wonderful bistro named "Cafe Inbal". If you happen to be in the city, and have to choose between the two kosher establishments, look at their breakfast-for-two before choosing. Scones, omelettes, pastries, juice, assorted dips, coffees - it could easily have been breakfast for three, but it was lunchtime, so no.

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