Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TVA Break

Monday morning was my final final exam in Ulpan, so we decided to start our summer vacation. We met at the central bus terminal, and headed up to Tel Aviv.

The first thing we did was to check into our hostel. Rina had turned down my suggestion in favour of what she promised would be a cleaner option. When we arrived at the room she had booked, however, we decided that we would have to burn all of the clothes that touched the room's surfaces. Oh well - at least we got to pretend we were refugees hiding from the law in a run-down Mexican shanty.

After checking into the hostel, we headed to the beach for a few hours, then out to dinner at an outstanding dairy restaurant on the water, where our appetizer was a plate of deep-fried everything (even the ravioli!). Awesome. For our after dinner entertainment we headed to a club where we listened to the worst electronica ever performed. Imagine a dying cat being pummeled by an asthmatic elephant and you'll approach the awfulness.

Today, after eating the hostel's complimentary breakfast (instant coffee) we went over to a local artisans' fair. While there, we saw the cutlery sculptures I held back from buying at a similar fair in Jerusalem, but this time caved to their overwhelming amazingness and a pile of warped spoons striking a John Travolta "Saturday Night Fever" pose now adorns our bookshelves. We then met up with some friends for lunch, which was a bottomless supply of pita and a table full of toppings. Bliss. We then walked down to the beach to catch the sunset before heading back to Jerusalem.

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