Monday, September 10, 2007

Pardes Weekend I - The Important Part

When I met Rina at Pardes for lunch on Thursday, I was nearly scared away from the entire weekend retreat. The meal provided was some sort of fusion of Mediterranean and Native American foods, with a quinoa/olive/feta salad, and a couscous/squash concoction. The foods were all good, but I don't know that I could survive another dairy Shabbat. Luckily, I didn't have to. To save time and boredom, I will simply list the many levels of deliciousness that pervaded the retreat.

Hamburgers, shnitzel shaped like rings, hummus and salads (at every meal), herring, tuna, eggs (scrambled, hard boiled, and chulented), chicken nuggets,yoghurts, cheeses and dips, shnitzel shaped like shnitzel, chulent, chicken, kabobs (beef and chicken), fish sticks, assorted cakes and fruit plates. With all this, the rest of the weekend (the company, the accommodations, the classes, and the tours) could have been a flop and I would still have come home happy. Luckily, it wasn't and we still did.

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