Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second day of Shavuot? Pooh!

Flouting religious doctrine, we spent today visiting sites that we've wanted to enjoy but haven't yet taken the time to.

We began at the Museum on the Seam, a museum on the border between East and West Jerusalem. The current exhibition revolves around conflict, and artists from around the world submitted pieces that deal with this issue. The art ranged from photographs to paintings and multimedia, and covered a range of topics such as racism, sexism, and the treatment of prisoners and political opponents. While not all of the styles of art were to our liking, the experience as a whole was interesting and we'd recommend it.

After making up for an upsetting cheesecake experience on Shavuot with a trip to the Anna Ticho house, we went crazy-Israeli-clothes shopping. On our way home we stopped to watch an installment of the Israel Festival, which was kids performing Judo and gymnastics (not simultaneously) while trained actors and mimes were forgotten in the background. People in face paint just can't compete with kids in pajamas.

At night we went to see some friends perform in "The Taming of the Shrew". While long, the comedy was a lot of fun and mostly intelligible, and was enjoyed by us both, although we've probably had our fill of amateur theater for the year.

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