Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jerusalem Tour

Our time in Jerusalem rapidly dwindling, today was spent visiting those sites and sights that we either wanted to see one last time, or that we haven't yet had the time to see appropriately.

We began our day with shacharit at the Kotel. Luckily we came late enough that the wall was casting a cooling shadow, and most of those begging for money weren't present. We did our duty, then stayed in the Old City to visit the Cardo and Cousin Dov's shop, Shorashim (which we highly recommend!). We had to go and come back several times, though, as there was a lecture being given to a visiting Christian missionary group from Colorado, and we didn't want to disturb them. Also, the door was locked.

After enjoying our final fantastic meal at Macaroni, still the best-priced and tastiest business lunch we've found, we were off to Mea She'arim for some final Judaica purchases. As always, we enjoyed the spectacle of the neighbourhood.

For dinner we walked over to the mall, where Jon finally got to indulge his desire for treif by eating at both Burger King and KFC in one night. While we're certain to regret this sort of outing later in life, it was lots of fun. Burger King was as good as could be expected, but KFC surprised with its crispy, tasty chicken wings that were actually really good.

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