Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shabbat of "This is Your Life"

Okay, the weird confluence of Jonathan's past lives this Shabbat:
His cousin Oren, who is in Israel for a semester, stayed with us for Shabbat. Today we attended shul in someone's living room, where we saw a former student and her parents, as well as an across-the-street neighbour from Buffalo who recently made aliyah (Abby Dauber). On the way home from shul we ran into Shai Mintz, a Rabbi from Buffalo, who invited us to his wife's 75th birthday celebration after Shabbat. We then proceeded to Jon's cousins, the Kempinskis, for lunch, but en route ran into Rina's cousin Tammy and her cute kids. After Shabbat we went to the birthday party where we saw Toby Back, another family-friend from Buffalo, following which we went to a Camp Ramah 60th Anniversary gathering/lecture/slide show/sing-a-long to hang out with former directors, counselors, and campers. A weird, weird weekend.


Unknown said...

I was sure that story would end with a run-in with Kevin Bacon.

Actually, I'm thinking this is like those later Star Trek series where they kept recycling the same actors in new roles.

The Parkers said...

Hey, welcome back! I actually felt like it was The Truman Show, and they were fishing for ratings by having the old stars return to my new life.

Unknown said...

That's it! And they came back just to vote you off the island!!!

The Parkers said...

OK, too many t.v. references when there is a writers' strike. Plus, I'm getting confused - is this all fiction, or is it real but a fiction built around my reality, or is it a reality show? Also, how do they get the pits out of dried apricots without breaking the skin?