Monday, February 18, 2008

Snow...sort of

Last night we spent our time staring out the window, waiting for the frigid rain to turn to snow. It didn't happen.

We woke up several times during the night (accidentally) and watched the flakes form, then melt as they hit the ground.

This morning there was a dusting of snow on the ground, prompting schools to be delayed, our programs included. OK, but not great. Still enough time for a pancake breakfast.

As Jon got dressed for his day, he made a last check of his e-mail, then began a mad dance around the apartment - Melton was cancelled, due to the danger of slipping! Unfortunately, we did not capture the priceless prancing on video.

Pardes, being populated by North Americans, still has class, while Matan, full of Israelis, does not, so at least Rina will get to come home early for half a day of hot chocolate and movies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had rain, not snow. And for breakfast we had waffles, not pancakes. But since it was presidents day, we also got to stay home.