Monday, October 22, 2007

School on Strike? Shop at the Shuk

As it turns out, only senior professors are on strike, and any class taught to international students is exempted, so most of Jon's classes are still running. Today, however, class was over by 11, so he got to explore the shuk at a relatively calm time, and made two amazing (awesome-tastic?) discoveries. The first is a store that sells nothing but beer and cheese. While that spells trouble for midgets with lactose intolerance and liver problems, for us it marks the starting point of a delicious and expensive adventure. The second store is not actually a discovery, but our first foray into the purchase of perishable and easily-diseased foodstuffs at the shuk (sounds even more delicious than the beer and cheese, no?). Anyways, the picture above nicely captures the excitement that fresh fish markets provide during dinner. NB: This is Rina writing now... Jon is the ONLY one that partook in eating the fish head.


Ilana said...

Parker, fish heads? But its not Rosh Hashana. And can I just state Ew? IYC

Unknown said...

I applaud your munching of the fish head. I never understood why Kelly freaks out whenever she sees a fish cooked with its head still attached, but I'm all for eating anything that won't actually kill me.

Also: I have one of those beer-and-cheese stores right near my mechanic. I should stop in this week to see what's new.

CreateEvity said...

fish heads are gross, but not grosser than the time Parker took a shot of gefilte fish goo.
I shudder at the thought.