Friday, August 10, 2007

Walking Tour

Today, my first real day off, I spent walking around Jerusalem. I started by walking to the Old City, where I first visited the Kotel, then moved on to a meandering (some would say lost) tour of the Jewish Quarter. When I went to see my cousin Dov in his store (where he was absent, apparently visiting Toronto) I was surprised to see one of the few Jewish landmarks I recognize, the Hurva Synagogue, being rebuilt. On every previous trip to the Old City I have seen nothing but a lone arch commemorating the synagogue that once stood, but now there is a full structure there. It's interesting to think that a city whose architecture and appearance centers around unearthing the past has now gone so far as to recreate it. One wonders what they'll try to rebuild next... I'm betting on dinosaurs.

After the Old City, I went to the shuk to buy things for Shabbat. Even though I'm sure I didn't get the best deals, It is ridiculous how much cheaper things are a 30 minute walk from home. I spent 30 shekels and came home with food, towels, and cleaning supplies. I don't think I could have gotten any one of those for that price at the shops near our apartment. All you have to do is put up with the smell, the pushiness, the smell, and the abusive parents. And the smell. But its Israel, and everything is pushy and abusive, or smells.


Unknown said...

Hey just got around to catching up on your blog. Glad you're getting familiar with the area! I love the pictures too.

I saw this on YouTube and thought of you immediately: the Greek myth of Tantalus reenacted by children with Simpsons dialogue.


-Daniel of 109 and 1343

The Parkers said...

"What happened to the Zeus who used to turn into a cow and pick up chicks?"