Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And then there were two

At Ulpan today we started the day with an hour-long lecture on the history of the Hebrew alphabet. This would have been great, except we finished off the intellectual morning with a rousing sing-a-long of "Aleph ohel, Bet ze bayit". Oh well. At least during the breaks I got to get back to normalcy by helping Sergei with his English homework, answering questions about the Titanic.

Tonight for dinner we met up with some other Pardes* students at the home of what is apparently a Pardes family (all of the children and one of the guests wore identical maroon t-shirts that sported the school's logo). The family lives in a high rise near the school, and they had an atypical apartment, in that their furniture seemed to have been found somewhere other than the curb, and their view was of all of Jerusalem, not the neighbour or synagogue next door. The dinner was great and company very enjoyable, but the Pardes-stereotypes fit the attendees like a well-fitted school-sponsored maroon t-shirt: all of the guests but we were varying degrees of vegetarian and were staunch supporters of liberal branches of Judaism.** Thankfully, nobody had any interest in starting a drum circle.

Of course, as we were clearing the table, one of the guests stopped me and queried, "this might sound weird, but where did you go to college?"
"Binghamton... Why?"
"Me too! I knew I recognized you!"
Of course.

*Pardes is the school that Rina plans to attend this year.
**Not that there is anything wrong with either of those qualities.


Unknown said...

Hahaha! That's where I recognize you from too!

The Parkers said...

I think it may even have been that girl we met at the laundromat in Boston, who apparently was in a class with me Junior year, where we worked on a three-week long project together, whom I didn't remember.

Unknown said...

Wait, really? That's crazy. I don't even remember what she looks like (but I guess that's normal for our encounters with that girl).

Pretty much the only person you haven't seen yet in your travels is Ishiah, the apple-picking traveler from the Greyhound bus, who insisted I watch:

City of Lost Children
Pootie Tang

So far I've only seen the first two but Delicatessen is finally out on DVD so I may at last complete her quest.

The Parkers said...

Sorry, no, not serious. But she did tell me to bring a ceramic dwarf with me wherever I go...

Unknown said...

I think we're getting our Intersting People confused. Ah well. They're all the same person with different fake moustaches anyway.