Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sabbath recap

Friday night Rina and a friend went back to the Bretzlaver shul we visited several weeks ago. This week they added a second nearly-endless song to their repertoire in honor of Lag Ba'Omer - Bar Yochai.* Jon attended the Great Synagogue, where the building was beautiful and the service was meh. That's right, meh. The cantor had a very nice voice, but there is no reason that counting the Omer should take longer than the rest of Maariv put together.

On Saturday we got to spend time with Rina's cousin, who is in the country with Birthright. For some reason her hotel is an hour away, on top of a rocky hill, and surrounded by barbed wire. Nice hotel, though. At night we hung out with her on Ben Yehuda (for shwarma and felafel, of course), then went to another friend's graduation party (hurray for doctors!). Then it was back home for Jon to pack for his trip to Eastern Europe, and Rina to not sleep before her last week of school.

*This is probably uninteresting to everyone but Jason. Sorry!

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