Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Joy of Hebrew

While Hagaddah shopping in town today, Jon passed a burly Russian who asked if he spoke English and wouldn't mind translating for him. Proud of his Hebrew skills, Jon was pleased to help out and so ventured over to where the Russian was standing with an Israeli. The two men would tell Jon the sentence to be translated, and he would relay the information to the other party, leaving out the editorial comments ("Is he cheating me?", "Is he drunk?", "I'm so drunk!", and so on). Jon was very pleased with how well things were going, but after only a few moments of discussing hourly rates and different locations it became clear what transaction he was facilitating - the Russian wanted to procure a prostitute. As it turns out, it's 100 shekels an hour.


Unknown said...

That's funny. See, they leave such details out of the travel brochures.

Anonymous said...

i've never been more proud of my big brother

The Parkers said...

Little sister, aren't you a little young to be reading this blog?

Rachel L said...

isn't 100 shekels pretty cheap? poor Israeli prostitutes.